How it works
Our approach
Why Double?
Use cases
Ongoing Support
Project Support
Per Task Support
Double as a Perk
Get started
Can AI really replace the human touch of an executive assistant? At Double, we firmly advocate for a partnership between AI and seasoned human assistants that combines the best of both and unlocks a new era of productivity.
Introducing Double for Teams and shared tasks, tools designed for enhanced team productivity and efficient collaboration. Step into a new era of balanced work.
The purpose of team spirit week is to provide fun and engagement while also giving teams a chance to work together to foster a stronger team culture especially with teammates they may not see day-to-day.
Community profiles
We are celebrating a very special 3-year Double Anniversary! Maegan, congratulations on this wonderful journey and thank you for the many ways you make us better!
Time management
There are so many benefits to working remotely! At Double, we asked our HQ team about their experience to see what the top 3 benefits were in their opinion.
Double’s Offsite was an opportunity for our team to meet and bond in a space where everyone felt comfortable bringing their whole selves. We focused on getting to know each & building stronger bonds to foster greater collaboration.
Stevan a rejoint notre communauté d'Assistant(e)s de direction en Mars 2022. Il nous retrace son parcours et ses premiers pas chez Double !
Agnès, Double depuis Novembre 2021, nous partage son expérience ainsi que ses "tips" et conseils pour une collaboration assistants/dirigeants au top !
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