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Time management
We’ve compiled a list of remote-friendly tools that help with productivity—and engagement.
Community profiles
Augustin’s dream job is at Double, where a human first approach creates a flexible work environment and the opportunity to put design thinking to use.
In celebration of Administrative Professionals Day, we’re shining a spotlight on a few of the behind-the-scenes superheroes from our Double community.
Goals provides a structured approach to delegating your most essential workflows, along with best practices and coaching to make delegation intuitive.
Not many people are trained in the skill of delegation. We asked a leadership expert for advice on how to effectively hand off tasks.
Four executive assistants give us their best advice for organizing your inbox, so you can focus on your top priorities.
Double assistant Julia M. shares firsthand insights into how executives tick and what assistants can do to help them confidently achieve their goals.
An executive assistant’s work can look very different depending on who they’re supporting. Understanding the key skills for the role can help you understand what tasks you can take off your plate.
Benjamin Zenou, CEO of SimpliField, partners with his Double assistant to create focus time so he can support his remote team and prioritize daily learning.
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