January 19, 2021

Goal Setting With an Executive Assistant

Setting goals with your executive assistant help you stay accountable and strategic.

Following through with goals, personal or work-related, is always easier paired with some kind of accountability. This is precisely where your executive assistant can come in and make a real, measurable impact for you.

Whether you’re just starting out with an assistant or you’ve cultivated a seasoned relationship, now is the perfect time to discuss 2021 goals and talk collectively on how to be more intentional nd strategic—together.

How to kickoff goal setting with your executive assistant

  • Communicate your goals. Not surprisingly, your assistant needs to be informed that you’re serious about reaching your goals or resolutions—and they need to know what those goals entail. Create a document that defines your goals, how you can reach them, and any other details like a timeframe or perhaps something you’ll have to give up or deprioritize in the meantime. Writing and sharing is an act of accountability and provides a reference for the future.

  • Fold goals into your check-ins. The next step in accountability is scheduled, continual conversations around the progress and evolution of your goals. Simplify these conversations by adding them as an agenda topic at the top of your cadenced check-ins with your assistant. Your goals will feel less burdensome to discuss in a familiar context.

  • Ask your assistant for input. Your assistant is a wealth of knowledge. Our doubles are part of a community of assistants who share best practices, new tools, and problem-solve with each other in real time. Ask your assistant for their advice or point-of-view. They can help direct you or give you insight into your goals.

  • Set metrics. If applicable, metrics can shed light onto your progress and become a guide to making decisions that move you closer to achievement. Discuss what metrics could be valuable to your goals with your assistant and ask them to create a log that’s updated and reviewed weekly at your check-ins.

Common goals/resolutions and where your executive assistant can help

Getting your assistant onboard with holding you accountable to your goals will help, but chances are, you have resolutions your assistant can work on with you. Here are some examples of common goals and resolutions with ideas for how your assistant can support you through them.

Time Management How and where we spend our time is a nearly ubiquitous goal across industries, titles, and types of people. Your assistant can help with your time management by time blocking your calendar, kindly responding “no” to extraneous meetings you’re invited to, and reminding you of the priorities you’ve set. They can also research time management tips or best practices.

Organization A substantial portion of organizing and maintenance in our daily lives relates to technology. Executive assistants are trained (and probably eager!) to help you declutter your inbox, take back control of your calendar, or research better tools for you or your team.

Structuring and organizing information is another project your assistant can take off your plate. For small and/or new businesses, organizing and setting up hierarchies of information, naming conventions, or creating filing systems is necessary—and very time consuming. Additionally, with tax season approaching, consider utilizing your assistant for initially collecting the right documents or double checking your own work.

Communication Believe it or not, you can (and should!) delegate your email to your assistant. They can also help with internal comms as well. If you have a weekly all-hands meeting, ask your assistant to put together event details and proofread your presentation.

Your executive assistant is there to help save you valuable time. Including them in your goal planning is a great way to be intentional, strategic, and accountable for the progress you want to make this year and beyond.

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