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Community profiles
Maxime Germain knows what he needs to focus on—and attributes that to understanding what he needs to delegate.
Delegating email is one of the first and most common tasks handed off to an assistant—but how is that done in practice?
Time management
Completing low-value tasks may feel like quick wins, but they are only sapping your time, productivity, and energy.
Your assistant will be building relationships on your behalf, so it’s important to introduce them to the right people.
Delegating is critical to a leader's success, but there are certain pieces of work that can't be passed off.
At Double, we're experts on remote work. Here are our best practices on using your time productively while working remotely.
Our doubles share tips on productively managing calendars and how to start delegating that responsibility to an assistant.
The best way to help people focus on what matters most is to connect them with humans who can support them. We believe a beautiful product experience is key to resolving some of the challenges in the executive-assistant relationship.
Double assistant Jinel H. gives us insight into successful communication, the tools she relies on, and why being adaptable is key.
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